
Some snippets that I use in my projects.

VEX attributes

float -> f@attribute
vector2 -> u@attribute
vector -> v@attribute
vector4 -> p@attribute
integer -> i@attribute
matrix2 -> 2@attribute
matrix3 -> 3@attribute
matrix4 -> 4@attribute
string -> s@attribute

Copy stamping

1.  Connect all the different objects to ‘copy’ node to the input.
2.  In CopySOP go to the option "stamp inputs"
3.  In CopySOP -> Variable1 write the name of the Variable that you want; ex: id
4.  In CopySOP -> Value1 write “fit01((rand(@ptnum))0,5,1.5)” .
5.  In the input node write this expression: stamp("../”CopySOP node name”","Variable 1 name",1)

Randomize Pscale Attribute

// Useful for setting a believable pscale for things like debris. The number of bigger pieces should be a lot less than smaller ones.

float min = chf("min");
float max = chf("max");

float val = rand(@ptnum);
val = fit01( pow( val, 2,5), min, max);
f@pscale = val;


// Put this vex code in a wrangle node and then the wrangle node into a solver SOP node

if (@active == 0){
    float search = ch('search');
    float maxpnts = ch('maxpnts');
    int spnts[] =  nearpoints(0, @P, search, maxpnts);
    int pt;
    foreach(pt; spnts){
        if(point(0, 'active' , pt) == 1){
            @active = 1;
            @Cd = {1,0,0};

Creating lines between two points

// example creating two points and then creating a primitive between them.

// Run on detail mode ​

vector pos0 = chv("pos0");
vector pos1 = chv("pos1");

//add points
int pt0 = addpoint( 0, pos0);
int pt1 = addpoint( 0, pos1);

// add a primitive
int prim = addprim( 0, "polyline");

//connect points to prim through vertex
addvertex( 0, prim, pt0);
addvertex( 0, prim, pt1);

RBD Constraints_Wrangle


//set the constraint name
s@constraint_name = "GLUE";

//set the constraint type
s@constraint_type = "all";

Object always in grid

vector min;
vector max;

getbbox (0, min, max);

if(min.y > 0){
@P.y -= abs(min.y);
else if (min.y < 0){
@P.y += abs(min.y);

Simple Morph

You must connect one object to the first input to the wrangle and the morphing object to the second input.

@Cd = relbbox(2,@P);

@P = lerp(@P,@opinput1_P, chf("v"));

Normal's Lerp

vector secpos= set(0,0,1);
@N = lerp(@N, secpos, chf("bias"));